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YCECA Newsletter Q2 2024
Newsletter Q2 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.3 MB

Advertising Information

Size Color 1 Year (4 issues)
Business Card Black & White $85
Business Card Color $145
1/4 Page Black & White $155
1/4 Page Color $290
1/2 Page Black & White $260
1/2 Page Color $495
Full Page Black & White $540
Full Page Color $900


* Note that ads are placed randomly throughout the newsletter. To place an ad on a specific page, please contact Debbie Vingin at 412-389-2324.


Deadlines for submitting ads are Feb. 1 (spring), May 1 (summer), Aug. 1 (autumn), and Nov. 1 (winter). Note that an advertiser may change their ad at any time for no charge as long as the deadline is met.


Format & sizing. Ads must be in JPG format (our publishing software cannot accept PDFs). For sizing, assume a normal sheet of paper with no bleed (for example, a half-page ad needs to be 8.5" wide by 5.5" tall).